"Despite this power imbalance within the UNFCCC (and, by and large, the entire UN system), the over 100 Indigenous delegates representing all regions of the world stood united to insist on formal participation in this process that impacts us so directly and to ensure that our rights and traditional knowledge are respected in national and global efforts to combat climate change."
Source: Cultural Survival
Read full article: Click here
IIPFCC Rulebook Rights Press Kit.pdf
On Human Rights Day, Indigenous Peoples say “Don’t write off our rights” and implore Ministers joining COP24 to reinstate strong rights language into all aspects of the Paris Rulebook text.
Having achieved a historical success, and important step forward with the adoption of the operationalization of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform on Saturday, the International Indigenous Peoples’ Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC) is concerned to hear of Parties’ proposal to remove rights language from the text of the Paris Rulebook.
The inclusion of rights-based language is essential for preserving the collective rights of Indigenous Peoples, as well as other marginalised groups such as women, youth, and people with disabilities. This news comes as a significant blow, on the 70th Anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights, which sought to protect and promote the rights of all, and indeed those very groups.
The Paris Rulebook is currently under negotiation at the United Nations 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) Climate Conference in Katowice, Poland, and forms the guidelines for the implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The Rulebook will cover nationally determined contributions (NDCs) from each party; reporting on finance for climate change action; as well as transparency, stakeholder consultations and much more.
Given the significance of the Rulebook in setting the rules of the game for climate action, the prospect of rights language not being explicitly included in the text gives a dangerous opportunity for Parties to violate these rights under the guise of climate action.
With the arrival of Ministers to the COP24 proceedings today, the IIPFCC urges Ministers to intervene and re-establish rights-based language in the Paris Rulebook text, and will host a press conference this evening to detail the further implications of these changes on Indigenous Peoples.
Monday 10th December 2018, 1800-1830h
Katowice Press Conference Room, COP24 Zone F
For information contact:
Kera Sherwood-O'Regan
Report of the multi-stakeholder workshop: Implementing the functions of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform
The first activity of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) was a multi-stakeholder workshop, which took place on 1 May, 2018. The workshop focused on implementing the three functions of the Platform: knowledge, capacity for engagement, and climate change policies and actions. During this day-long multi-stakeholder workshop, a group of more than one hundred participants convened and converged on the need to collaborate and commit to enabling the full operationalization of the Platform and the implementation of its functions.
To review and download the full LCIPP Workshop Summary Report, click here.
The Summary Report was prepared by the UNFCCC Secretariat under the guidance of the co-moderators of the workshop, Mr. Paul Watkinson (Chair of SBSTA) and Mr. Roberto Múkaro Borrero of the Taíno people (International Indian Treaty Council). It is intended for information; to capture, as well as possible, the rich exchanges that took place during the workshop; and to provide a written record of the proceedings.
LCIPP Workshop Co-Moderators Paul Watkinson (middle) and Roberto Múkaro Borrero (at right)
Deadline for COP24 Registration
Please note the deadline to register for COP24 has been extended to September 24th, 2018. Once registrations have been allocated, the deadline for participant confirmation is 26 November 2018.
LCIPP Workshop Photos from IISB/ENB
IISD/ENB shared the website where you'll find the group photo at the end of the dialogue and some others during the LCIPP workshop. Scroll down page to May 1, 2018 at http://enb.iisd.org/climate/sb48/
Frank Ettawageshik, National Congress of American Indians, opens the session with a prayer
Multi-stakeholder workshop on LCIPP held on 1 May 2018
As a follow-up to the Paris Agreement, an open, multi-stakeholder workshop on implementing the functions of the local communities and indigenous peoples platform took place on 1 May 2018. The workshop was the historic, first activity of the platform. Paul Watkinson, Chair of the SBSTA and Roberto Mukaro Borrero (Taíno), representative of local communities and indigenous peoples organizations were the session's co-moderators. Christiana Figueres Olsen, Executive Secretary of the UFCCC gave a key note address as well as Grace Balawag of Tebtebba Foundation. A report on the session will be issued by the co-moderators before COP24.
Grace Balawag (at left), Roberto Múkaro Borrero, and Frank Ettawageshik at the Multi-stakeholder Workshop on 1 May 2018
Daily Indigenous Peoples Caucus Meetings in Bonn, 30 April - 10 May 2018
Daily meetings for the Indigenous Peoples Caucus will be held from 9:00-10:00 at the World Conference Center in Bonn. On April 30th, the meeting will be Room BANGKOK. From May 1st-10th, the meetings will be held in the AH Upper Conference Room.
In-session workshop on Gender and Climate Change
In-session workshop on Gender and Climate Change - Part 1: Differentiated impacts of climate change and gender-responsive climate policy and action
Time: 11:00 - 19:00
Room: AH Upper Conference room
Venue: UN Campus, ‘Altes Abgeordnetenhochhaus’ (AH), Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
City: Bonn Country: Germany
Background: COP 22, in decision 21/CP.22 on gender and climate change, as part of its decision to continue and enhance the Lima work programme on gender, decided to hold annual in-session workshops in conjunction with the first sessional periods of the subsidiary bodies in 2018 and 2019. COP 23, in decision 3/CP.23 decided that the topic for the 2018 in-session workshop on gender and climate change would be based on the submission request under priority area E.1 of the gender action plan. Priority area E focuses on monitoring and reporting, with an emphasis on sex-disaggregated data and gender analysis.
Schedule: The workshop will be held in two parts:
Part I: Including sex-disaggregated and gender analysis, examine the differentiated impacts of climate change on women and men, with special attention paid to local communities and indigenous peoples, as well as the integration of gender considerations into climate adaptation, mitigation, capacity-building, Action for Climate Empowerment, technology and finance policies, plans and actions.
Part II: Policies, plans and progress in enhancing gender balance in national delegations
To raise awareness on the differentiated impacts of climate change, including how to identify such differences and address them in policy and action design and implementation;
To build the capacity of participants to understand the tools and mechanisms that facilitate the design and implementation of gender-responsive climate policy and action;
To raise awareness on possible options for enhancing gender balance in national climate delegations;
To provide an opportunity for Party delegates and observers to brainstorm on possible options.
Outcome: A summary report for each part of the workshop that captures challenges and good practices related to the topics, will be prepared and published as an INF document and will be made available on the UNFCCC website after the close of SBI 48.
Format: The in-session workshop will combine expert and technical presentations, group discussions and panel presentations with sufficient time for substantive, interactive discussions on how to enhance implementation under the Lima work programme on gender and its gender action plan.
Participants: Open to Parties and observers registered for SBI 48. Also open to the press.
Venue: World Conference Center (rooms to be confirmed), Bonn, Germany
Gender and climate change workshop annotated programme (will be available prior to SBI 48)
Organizer and contact:
The workshop is being organized by the UNFCCC secretariat
Fleur Newman (Ms)
Gender Affairs Officer
Office of the Deputy Executive Secretary
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Language: English
Mandated event
Source: UNFCCC
An Update from the IIPFCC co-chairs on the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform at the UNFCCC
Pursuant to a decision at COP23 held in Bonn, German in 2017, Parties (governments) to the UNFCCC initiated the operationalization of the local communities and indigenous peoples platform, and decided that the overall purpose of the platform will be:
● To strengthen the knowledge, technologies, practices and efforts of local communities and indigenous peoples related to addressing and responding to climate change,
● To facilitate the exchange of experience and the sharing of best practices and lessons learned on mitigation and adaptation in a holistic and integrated manner, and
● To enhance the engagement of local communities and indigenous peoples in the UNFCCC process;
The Parties also decided that the platform will deliver the following three functions:
(1) Promotion of knowledge through the exchange of experiences, technologies, practices taking into account the free, prior and informed consent of the knowledge holders;
(2) Building the capacities of indigenous peoples and local communities, and Parties to engage with the platform and the UNFCCC; and
(3) Facilitating the integration of knowledge systems, practices and innovations when implementing international and national actions, programmes and policies for a stronger and more ambitious climate action.
Additionally, at COP23, Parties recommended that the interests and views of local communities and indigenous peoples, as well as the principles proposed by indigenous peoples organizations be taken into account.
The principles proposed by the IIPFCCC and - after intense negotiations - accepted by the parties were:
● full and effective participation of indigenous peoples;
● equal status of indigenous peoples and Parties, including in leadership roles;
● self-selection of indigenous peoples representatives in accordance with indigenous peoples’ own procedures; and
● adequate funding from the secretariat and voluntary contributions to enable the implementation of the functions of the platform;
Further steps towards operationalization of the platform, will include a multi-stakeholder dialogue to be scheduled at the SBSTA 48 meeting (30 April – 10 May 2018), which will seek to define the role of a facilitating working group and a work plan. This dialogue will be co moderated by the Chair of SBSTA and a nominated indigenous representative.
The IIPFCC informed the Indigenous Peoples Caucus of this goal at the close of COP23 and that the IIPFCC-GSC will receive regional nominations for the co-moderator until 15. January 2018.
Three nominees from the regions were presented during this period including:
1.) Grace Balawag, Tebtebba Foundation (Nomination supported by the Asia Region)
2.) Estebancio Castro, (Nomination supported by the Latin American Region)
3.) Roberto Borrero, International Indian Treaty Council (Nomination supported by North America, the Arctic, Russia, and the Pacific Regions)
The African region has expressed support of a consensus selection and it is a goal of the IIPFCC to affirm the indigenous co-moderator by consensus.
As of 22. March, Asia has withdrawn their nomination, leaving two nominees - Estebancio Castro and Roberto Borrero.
The issue will be now be undertaken by the IIPFCC-GSC co-chairs who will seek to reach a final decision on the co-moderator by 17. April.
Kind regards
The co-chairs:
Runar Myrnes Balto; Lola Cabnal; Maina Talia
Thur Nov 16,2017 18:30 - 19:45 video screening
“Five years ago, the Kenyan farmer Kisilu Musya started to use his camera to document his family, his village and the impact that climate change is having on both. They face floods, droughts, storms and when Kisilu’s house is destroyed by a storm, Kisilu starts a communal farmers’ movement and calls for action against the extreme consequences of the weather. Despite all the resistance Kisilu meets he makes it far in his struggle – all the way to both Oslo and the COP21 in Paris. The film is a story of hope from the frontline of climate change”
The Proposed Green Climate Fund Indigenous Peoples Policy by Tebtebba & IPGPCC
We would like to Invite you to the side event of Tebtebba and the Indigenous Peoples’ Global Partnership on Climate Change, Forests and Sustainable Development on "cy: