23 September 2019, New York City, NY - The International Indigenous Peoples’ Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC) met in New York City at the United Nations before the UNSG Climate Action Summit to finalize the Indigenous Peoples commitments on climate action. Mr. Tuntiak Katan from the Shuar people of Ecuador will present a brief statement today inside the UNSG Climate Action Summit on behalf of the Indigenous Peoples outlining our three commitments to 1) Lead the implementation of holistic plans to protect biocultural diversity, ensuring the inclusion of our most marginalized; 2) Develop actions to secure indigenous peoples’ rights to lands, territories and resources, self-determination and free, prior and informed consent (FPIC); 3) Access the development of renewable energies in accordance with our self-determination and FPIC.
See full statement here: https://www.iitc.org/wp-content/uploads/World-Indigenous-Peoples-Climate-Action-Commitments-Press-Release.pdf?fbclid=IwAR26SzlEa4k7Yk_Q60zI6ZKyaw6pA4qlWLpnMWyneOEOAVWPcTSXiUOCaGM
Mr. Tuntiak Katan from the Shuar people of Ecuador presents a statement inside the UNSG Climate Action Summit on behalf of the Indigenous Peoples